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New Ranking Tags Feature of Oracle Dev Gym

                                 You can take quizzes, workouts and classes at the Oracle Dev Gym solely with the objective of learning and improving your expertise in Oracle technologies. You can also play competitively , which means that you will be ranked when you take a tournament quiz. You can see all the rankings for tournaments by clicking on the Leaderboard tab. But what if you'd like to see how you ranked compared to your co-workers or friends? What if your entire dev team wants to take a workout together and then compare how you all did? I have one answer to those questions: ranking tags! Click on your name in upper right, select Profile Settings. Click on the Ranking Tags tab. It's empty! OK, now it's time to talk to your friends or co-workers. Decide on a tag that you can use to identify your little circle. Aim for something obviously unique. These are "just" tags, so if you use something li...
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Changes to Oracle Dev Gym Tournaments in 2021

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Different SYSDATE behaviors in SQL and PL/SQL

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Implementing Enhanced Table Auditing in the Oracle Dev Gym

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The differences between deterministic and result cache features

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Generate code to move rows to string indexed collections

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Office Hours June 2020: Exploring the PL/SQL Profilers

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