1st in a series on conditional compilation. See end of post for links to all posts in the series. Conditional compilation allows the compiler to compile selected parts of a program based on conditions you specify using $ syntax in PL/SQL. When you see statements like $IF, $ELSE, $END and $ERROR in your PL/SQL code, you are looking at conditional compilations, sometimes also referred to as "ifdef" processing. There's a really good chance you've never taken advantage of conditional compilation in PL/SQL, so I thought I'd write up a few blog posts about why you might want to use it - and then how to put it to use. Conditional compilation comes in very handy when you need to do any of the following: Compile and run your PL/SQL code base on different versions of Oracle, taking advantage of features specific to those versions. Run certain code during testing and debugging, but then omit that code from the production code. Or vice versa. Install/compile d
For the last twenty years, I have managed to transform an obsession with PL/SQL into a paying job. How cool is that?