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Showing posts from August, 2020

The differences between deterministic and result cache features

 EVERY once in a while, a developer gets in touch with a question like this: I am confused about the exact difference between deterministic and result_cache. Do they have different application use cases? I have used deterministic feature in many functions which retrieve data from some lookup tables. Is it essential to replace these 'deterministic' key words with 'result_cache'?  So I thought I'd write a post about the differences between these two features. But first, let's make sure we all understand what it means for a function to be  deterministic. From Wikipedia : In computer science, a deterministic algorithm is an algorithm which, given a particular input, will always produce the same output, with the underlying machine always passing through the same sequence of states.  Another way of putting this is that a deterministic subprogram (procedure or function) has no side-effects. If you pass a certain set of arguments for the parameters, you will always get ...

Generate code to move rows to string indexed collections

Write code for a living? Feeling kind of lazy? Then maybe you should find a way to generate  some code. That's the focus of this blog post. The bulk processing feature of PL/SQL was introduced a long, long time ago. It lets us, among other things, do this: Lovely, concise syntax. One downside, however, is that the target collection in the BULK COLLECT INTO clause must be indexed by integer (which means all nested tables and varrays, but only INDEX BY - associative array - collections that are index by PLS_INTEGER or variations therein). This means that if you do want to use a string-indexed collection, you need to first "dump" it into an integer-indexed array, and then move it over to a string-indexed array. I've done this, and my code usually looks like this: DECLARE CURSOR c IS select last_name, first_name, employee_id from employees where department_id = 30; TYPE t IS TABLE OF c%ROWTYPE; c_limit CONSTANT PLS_INTEGER := 10...