Received this note from a PL/SQL developer today:
I have an idea to build the database of my application in such a way that all DML operations for the application are managed at the back end. There should be generic functions/procedures that will perform the DML operations. Also there should be functions developed that will provide the "Select" data. In short, I want to remove all sort of DML from front end and bring them to back end. In case of any DB structural changes, we should not require a large development effort. For example, if we have to add couple of columns to a table then it should be easily manageable/configurable in order to minimize the development effort cost.
This is the sort of note that makes me happy.
I have proposed for years to Oracle Database developers that we should see SQL as a service that is provided to us, not something we should write over and over and over again in our "high level" application code (as opposed to low level generic utilities like error loggers).
After all, every SQL statement is a hard-coding just like every literal is a hard-coding.
And now I can all hear you saying, as my granddaughter is wont to say: "Whaaaaat?!"
Yes, every SQL statement is a hard-coding, and they are far worse and more dangerous than the hard- coding of literals.
In both cases, we make the assumption that this thing (a numeric value or a 6 way join) not only "works" (is accurate) today but will stay the same in the future.
Ha, ha!
What a funny joke!
Of course it's all going to change. Now, if you hard-code the literal 76034 in your application in 5,000 places, no big deal, really. Just do a global search and replace in your code.
There is very little chance you will change anything but the literal value of interest.
[Of course, little chance and no chance are two different things entirely. So when doing a GSAR, please do visually check each change. Years ago, right after I left Oracle, I worked as a consultant in the HQ of one of the biggest "fast food" chains in the world. I fixed a bug and "while I was at it" optimized some other code (or so I thought). Passed it on to QA, went into production on Sunday, and on Wednesday they had to roll back three days of production activity. Why? Because my GSAR had change "WHERE X = Y" into "WHERE X = X" - I won't bore you with the details or why the actual change didn't seem quite as stupid as that. The good news? I was not blamed. It was the QA team's fault. Ha! Ha, ha!]
But what if you repeat the same or very similar 6-way join in 3 or 5 places? How can you find and upgrade all those "old" SQL statements?
Bottom line: if you do not build a layer of code around your data, essentially around your SQL statements, you end up with an out of control, hard to optimize, impossible to test and maintain application. Yuch.
So use views to hide complex and often needed WHERE clauses. Build packages to hide transactions and queries and non-query DML operations.
And, ideally, you should be able to generate lots of this code. I have, in the past, build and offered really powerful code generators including the incredibly awfully named QNXO and its descendent, Quest CodeGen Utility. Neither, sadly, are available anymore. But I hope in the next year to offer a simpler substitute that could be used very flexibly.
In the meantime, the next time you start to write a SELECT directly inside your high-level code, stop and ask yourself: Might I or someone else need this elsewhere? Might I someday want to use the result cache feature on this query?"
Then build a package and put the query inside a function (or add it to an existing package). Return a record or a collection, as is appropriate. And call that function. Your code is more robust and you spend less time writing and debugging that code.
For example, don't do this:
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE do_stuff_with_employee (
employee_id_in IN employees.employee_id%TYPE)
l_employee employees%ROWTYPE;
l_manager employees%ROWTYPE;
INTO l_employee
FROM employees
WHERE employee_id = employee_id_in;
/* Do some stuff... and then, again! */
INTO l_manager
FROM employees
WHERE employee_id = l_employee.manager_id;
do this:
FUNCTION onerow (employee_id_in IN employees.employee_id%TYPE)
FUNCTION onerow (employee_id_in IN employees.employee_id%TYPE)
onerow_rec employees%ROWTYPE;
INTO onerow_rec
FROM employees
WHERE employee_id = employee_id_in;
RETURN onerow_rec;
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE do_stuff_with_employee (
employee_id_in IN employees.employee_id%type)
l_employee employees%ROWTYPE;
l_manager employees%ROWTYPE;
l_employee := employees_sql.onerow (employee_id_in);
/* Do some stuff... and then, again, but now
just a function call! */
l_manager := employees_sql.onerow (l_employee.manager_id);
I have an idea to build the database of my application in such a way that all DML operations for the application are managed at the back end. There should be generic functions/procedures that will perform the DML operations. Also there should be functions developed that will provide the "Select" data. In short, I want to remove all sort of DML from front end and bring them to back end. In case of any DB structural changes, we should not require a large development effort. For example, if we have to add couple of columns to a table then it should be easily manageable/configurable in order to minimize the development effort cost.
This is the sort of note that makes me happy.
I have proposed for years to Oracle Database developers that we should see SQL as a service that is provided to us, not something we should write over and over and over again in our "high level" application code (as opposed to low level generic utilities like error loggers).
After all, every SQL statement is a hard-coding just like every literal is a hard-coding.
And now I can all hear you saying, as my granddaughter is wont to say: "Whaaaaat?!"
Yes, every SQL statement is a hard-coding, and they are far worse and more dangerous than the hard- coding of literals.
In both cases, we make the assumption that this thing (a numeric value or a 6 way join) not only "works" (is accurate) today but will stay the same in the future.
Ha, ha!
What a funny joke!
Of course it's all going to change. Now, if you hard-code the literal 76034 in your application in 5,000 places, no big deal, really. Just do a global search and replace in your code.
There is very little chance you will change anything but the literal value of interest.
[Of course, little chance and no chance are two different things entirely. So when doing a GSAR, please do visually check each change. Years ago, right after I left Oracle, I worked as a consultant in the HQ of one of the biggest "fast food" chains in the world. I fixed a bug and "while I was at it" optimized some other code (or so I thought). Passed it on to QA, went into production on Sunday, and on Wednesday they had to roll back three days of production activity. Why? Because my GSAR had change "WHERE X = Y" into "WHERE X = X" - I won't bore you with the details or why the actual change didn't seem quite as stupid as that. The good news? I was not blamed. It was the QA team's fault. Ha! Ha, ha!]
But what if you repeat the same or very similar 6-way join in 3 or 5 places? How can you find and upgrade all those "old" SQL statements?
Bottom line: if you do not build a layer of code around your data, essentially around your SQL statements, you end up with an out of control, hard to optimize, impossible to test and maintain application. Yuch.
So use views to hide complex and often needed WHERE clauses. Build packages to hide transactions and queries and non-query DML operations.
And, ideally, you should be able to generate lots of this code. I have, in the past, build and offered really powerful code generators including the incredibly awfully named QNXO and its descendent, Quest CodeGen Utility. Neither, sadly, are available anymore. But I hope in the next year to offer a simpler substitute that could be used very flexibly.
In the meantime, the next time you start to write a SELECT directly inside your high-level code, stop and ask yourself: Might I or someone else need this elsewhere? Might I someday want to use the result cache feature on this query?"
Then build a package and put the query inside a function (or add it to an existing package). Return a record or a collection, as is appropriate. And call that function. Your code is more robust and you spend less time writing and debugging that code.
For example, don't do this:
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE do_stuff_with_employee (
employee_id_in IN employees.employee_id%TYPE)
l_employee employees%ROWTYPE;
l_manager employees%ROWTYPE;
INTO l_employee
FROM employees
WHERE employee_id = employee_id_in;
/* Do some stuff... and then, again! */
INTO l_manager
FROM employees
WHERE employee_id = l_employee.manager_id;
do this:
FUNCTION onerow (employee_id_in IN employees.employee_id%TYPE)
FUNCTION onerow (employee_id_in IN employees.employee_id%TYPE)
onerow_rec employees%ROWTYPE;
INTO onerow_rec
FROM employees
WHERE employee_id = employee_id_in;
RETURN onerow_rec;
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE do_stuff_with_employee (
employee_id_in IN employees.employee_id%type)
l_employee employees%ROWTYPE;
l_manager employees%ROWTYPE;
l_employee := employees_sql.onerow (employee_id_in);
/* Do some stuff... and then, again, but now
just a function call! */
l_manager := employees_sql.onerow (l_employee.manager_id);
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