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Results are in for the PL/SQL Challenge Championship for 2019!

Another Oracle Dev Gym championship completed! Find below the rankings for the PL/SQL Challenge Championship for 2019. The number next to the player's name is the number of times that player has participated in a championship. Below the table of results for this championship, you will find another list showing the championship history of each of these players.

Congratulations first and foremost to our top-ranked players:

1st Place: MarkusId

2nd Place: mentzel.iudith

3rd Place: NielsHecker

Next, congratulations to everyone who played in the championship. We hope you found it entertaining, challenging and educational. And for those who were not able to participate in the championship, we will make the championship as a whole available as a workout, so you can take it just like these players did.

Finally, our deepest gratitude to our reviewer, Elic, who has once again performed an invaluable service to our community.

Rank Name Total Time % Correct Total Score
1 MarkusId (1) 28 m 83% 4185
2 mentzel.iudith (6) 37 m 83% 4151
3 NielsHecker (6) 39 m 81% 3940
4 Ivan Blanarik (6) 33 m 78% 3916
5 Stelios Vlasopoulos (6) 39 m 78% 3790
6 Sandra99 (4) 29 m 78% 3781
7 Jan Šerák (6) 36 m 75% 3703
8 Sartograph (3) 39 m 75% 3690
9 mcelaya (5) 36 m 75% 3656
10 PZOL (5) 35 m 75% 3607
11 Maxim Borunov (6) 39 m 72% 3542
12 Andrey Zaytsev (6) 34 m 69% 3462
13 korolkov_d_a (1) 39 m 69% 3442
14 siimkask (6) 21 m 69% 3415
15 li_bao (6) 22 m 67% 3411
16 Michal P. (4) 38 m 69% 3346
17 JeroenR (5) 27 m 67% 3242
18 seanm95 (6) 32 m 64% 3220
19 Mike Tessier (4) 32 m 67% 3219
20 Karel_Prech (6) 39 m 64% 3140
21 Aleksei Davletiarov (2) 38 m 64% 3096
22 Chad Lee (6) 35 m 61% 3056
23 Chase Mei (6) 25 m 61% 3050
24 patch72 (6) 16 m 61% 3033
25 Oleksiy Ponomarenko (4) 10 m 58% 2909
26 lmikhailov (1) 24 m 58% 2852
27 msonkoly (5) 38 m 61% 2847
28 RalfK (2) 09 m 56% 2813
29 Otto Palenicek (4) 34 m 56% 2763
30 Ludovic Szewczyk (3) 16 m 56% 2734
31 NickL (4) 35 m 53% 2659
32 Nikolay Loginov (1) 12 m 50% 2499
33 Rytis Budreika (6) 07 m 47% 2470
34 craig.mcfarlane (1) 37 m 50% 2352
35 swesley_perth (4) 11 m 44% 2203

Championship Performance History

After each name, the quarter in which he or she played, and the ranking in that championship.

Name History
MarkusId 2019:1st
mentzel.iudith 2014:1st, 2015:2nd, 2016:18th, 2017:2nd, 2018:1st, 2019:2nd
NielsHecker 2014:21st, 2015:1st, 2016:15th, 2017:3rd, 2018:6th, 2019:3rd
Ivan Blanarik 2014:16th, 2015:16th, 2017:17th, 2018:4th, 2019:4th
Stelios Vlasopoulos 2014:37th, 2015:19th, 2016:24th, 2017:5th, 2018:14th, 2019:5th
Sandra99 2015:28th, 2017:15th, 2019:6th
Jan Šerák 2014:24th, 2015:8th, 2016:7th, 2017:22nd, 2018:13th, 2019:7th
Sartograph 2017:10th, 2018:31st, 2019:8th
mcelaya 2015:38th, 2016:34th, 2017:29th, 2018:11th, 2019:9th
PZOL 2015:35th, 2017:23rd, 2018:29th, 2019:10th
Maxim Borunov 2015:9th, 2016:17th, 2017:8th, 2018:12th, 2019:11th
Andrey Zaytsev 2014:2nd, 2015:5th, 2016:1st, 2017:21st, 2018:2nd, 2019:12th
korolkov_d_a 2019:13th
siimkask 2014:15th, 2015:14th, 2016:13th, 2017:12th, 2018:19th, 2019:14th
li_bao 2014:36th, 2017:1st, 2019:15th
Michal P. 2015:32nd, 2017:16th, 2019:16th
JeroenR 2014:7th, 2015:20th, 2016:6th, 2018:7th, 2019:17th
seanm95 2014:34th, 2015:4th, 2016:9th, 2017:18th, 2018:17th, 2019:18th
Mike Tessier 2017:33rd, 2018:18th, 2019:19th
Karel_Prech 2014:4th, 2015:6th, 2016:11th, 2017:9th, 2018:5th, 2019:20th
Aleksei Davletiarov 2018:15th, 2019:21st
Chad Lee 2014:13th, 2015:28th, 2016:19th, 2017:7th, 2019:22nd
Chase Mei 2014:25th, 2015:26th, 2016:3rd, 2017:20th, 2018:8th, 2019:23rd
patch72 2014:22nd, 2015:11th, 2017:35th, 2019:24th
Oleksiy Ponomarenko 2016:10th, 2017:4th, 2018:10th, 2019:25th
lmikhailov 2019:26th
msonkoly 2015:15th, 2017:13th, 2018:26th, 2019:27th
RalfK 2018:28th, 2019:28th
Otto Palenicek 2016:29th, 2017:28th, 2018:25th, 2019:29th
Ludovic Szewczyk 2019:30th
NickL 2015:21st, 2018:22nd, 2019:31st
Nikolay Loginov 2019:32nd
Rytis Budreika 2014:18th, 2015:12th, 2016:32nd, 2017:24th, 2019:33rd
craig.mcfarlane 2019:34th
swesley_perth 2016:21st, 2017:32nd, 2019:35th


  1. Hi , I have a BLOB column in my table , I want to fetch its data through a view. I have used select ..distinct clause in my query , View does not create. it give an datatype error but when i remove distinct keyword it is working fine ..what should I do ?

    1. I suggest you rethink the query in your view. Doing a select distinct in the view is a bad idea. Performance, even if you could get it working, will be a problem. Distinct implies sorting and comparison, which we don't do with blobs natively.

      Why do you need to use distinct?


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