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Looking for Another Oracle Developer Advocate for SQL

The Oracle Developer Advocates team is responsible for helping users fully leverage their investment in Oracle Database and to promote the use of Oracle Database technologies for application developers, including SQL, PL/SQL, Application Express, Oracle REST Data Services, and more.

Each Oracle Developer Advocate (ODA) is responsible for the creation of high quality and highly entertaining resources for training and education; channeling user requirements back to Product Management and Product Development; building a vibrant, engaged global user community. 

The main focus for this member of the ODA team is, however, the SQL language.

To apply: Visit search for req 150009IK

The ideal ODA candidate:
  • Is proficient in Oracle SQL and has kept up with the latest and greatest features
  • Can explain things  (in particular, the relational model, set theory, etc.) in ways people understand and by which they are inspired
  • Enjoys performing in front of a crowd – and a camera (heads up: you will be auditioning for the job!)
  • Is easy to get along with; her or his ego fits through the doorway
Each Oracle Developer Advocate will:
  • Hold monthly webinars in their technology focus area
  • Write and publish through the PL/SQL Challenge a weekly quiz on their technology
  • Publish daily tips through Twitter and other social media outlets
  • Attend key User Group conferences, to present, listen and learn
  • Work closely with Product Management and Product Development to both deepen product understanding and more effectively communicate to users how to use those products.
Location and Travel

The ODA team is distributed geographically; you do not need to work out of Oracle Headquarters to do this job.

You should expect 25% travel, though the amount of travel will be largely up to you. The focus of our team is on building global communities, and this will be done mostly through the Internet, as opposed to via jet planes.

The ODA team is going to help Oracle Database developers utilize that language more fully, and to make it easier for all the experts "out there" (outside of Oracle) to contribute their knowledge to the global community. And along the way, we will utilize the latest multimedia and education technologies to create engaging, entertaining resources that will change the way our core application development technologies for Oracle Database are perceived and used.

If you've been around the Oracle technology community for a while and are looking for a way to contribute more, to do more, to have a greater impact, then consider the ODA position. If you want to help ensure that SQL is appreciated, leveraged and flourishes "in the wild", if you like to help others do what you have learned to do, then apply for this position.

Are You Really Excited About This Job?

I would be (I am). It's a "plum" position - you get paid to play and explore and share what you learn. But you must be an excellent and effective communicator. This means you will be auditioning for this job. 

So if you think you are a good fit and want to get a jumpstart on the process, by all means apply at the link above, but also feel free to record a video explaining why SQL is such an amazing and powerful language and why I should be excited and inspired to learn it. Send me a link and I will happily take time away from writing yet another PL/SQL quiz to watch you.

Note: when you check out the job requisition, ignore everything from this on down:

"Lead a team that acts as the central resource and driving force for the design, process, manufacturing, test, quality and marketing of product(s) as they move from conception to distribution. Organize interdepartmental activities ensuring completion of the project/product on schedule and within budget...."


  1. Hi Steven,

    Your team of ODA's, Oracle Developer Advocates, particularly this "ODA for SQL"...
    Dream job this it! (Y-ODA like)

    Keep it UP, big hug,
    Nuno O.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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