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Best laid plans or why no new post on table functions this week

I was doing so well: 1 post in my series on table functions each week.

I planned to complete a description of the table function I used in the PL/SQL Challenge rankings report, which I began here.

But then, well, things got in the way. Things like:

  • Write my next article for Oracle Magazine, only one week past due
  • Write five daily tips on PL/SQL via @sfonplsql
  • Produce two new quizzes for the PL/SQL Challenge.
  • Record a video for ODTUG to promote the YesSQL! Day at Kscope15
  • Record a "train the trainer" video to pass on some tips on how to give excellent (or at least highly entertaining) presentations.
  • Donate a small bucket of white cells and plasma to LifeSource.
  • Waaay too many conference call/meetings and waaaaaay too much email.
  • Finish up work on a root canal. Fun!
  • Cut down a bunch of invasive buckthorn (I so love that the sun sets so late in the day now!).
  • Help design and test some exciting new features for Oracle Learning Library
So my apologies, dear readers. Next week. Next week I am certain, I pledge, I promise, I will share you with my amazing table function, filled with a really complicated dynamic SQL query.

In the meantime, have a great weekend!


  1. Hello Steven,
    So great to hear that amidst the so many Oracle-related tasks, you still find
    the time for making good to others ... and, maybe, saving someone's life,
    either a human or another being ......
    Anyway, still much better to be in the position of making good to others,
    than, God forbid, fighting desperately to rescue your own life.
    Oracle is beautiful, but it can still "wait in the queue", behind other much more
    important things.
    I am sure that even the most fanatic Oracle-ists will agree with this order
    of priorities, and patiently wait for their turn :):)

    Have a great weekend & Best Regards,


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