I posted the following puzzle on Twitter:
White space
so you do not immediately
see my answer.
Here are the answers from the TwitterSphere:
Change line 5's assignment to dbms_sql.number_table(1=>1,2=>1)
In other words, try to insert the same value twice. Since there is a unique index on the column, that will cause ORA-00001 to be raised.
So that will do it, right?
Wrong. Hans and Dirk both point out why that is not enough, and offer the second part of the solution:
The value deposited in the error_code field of the SQL%BULK_EXCEPTIONS array is unsigned. In other words, 1 rather than -1 is stored. Unfortunately, the SQLERRM function assumes that the error code you pass it will be signed (negatively). So you must multiply the value in the pseudo-collection by -1. Then SQLERRM will return the right string.
Or as Dirk puts it:
(sqlerrm (sql%bulk_exceptions (indx).error_code));
must be
(sqlerrm (0 - sql%bulk_exceptions (indx).error_code));
You don't really need the 0, though. You can write simply:
(sqlerrm (-sql%bulk_exceptions (indx).error_code));
You can see all these variations at work in my LiveSQL script.
Actually, I was surprised that I did not receive any "silly" answers. After all, there are lots of ways to get "ORA-00001: unique constraint" to appear on the screen, such as:
Yes, that's right, simply display it on the screen and then shortcut everything else with RETURN; (or not, let the rest of the code execute unchanged).
I guess it was a serious week for the Oracle Database developer community. :-)
What change(s) can you make to this code so that "ORA-00001: unique constraint" appears on the screen after execution?Try it yourself before reading the rest of the post!
White space
so you do not immediately
see my answer.
Change line 5's assignment to dbms_sql.number_table(1=>1,2=>1)
In other words, try to insert the same value twice. Since there is a unique index on the column, that will cause ORA-00001 to be raised.
So that will do it, right?
Wrong. Hans and Dirk both point out why that is not enough, and offer the second part of the solution:
The value deposited in the error_code field of the SQL%BULK_EXCEPTIONS array is unsigned. In other words, 1 rather than -1 is stored. Unfortunately, the SQLERRM function assumes that the error code you pass it will be signed (negatively). So you must multiply the value in the pseudo-collection by -1. Then SQLERRM will return the right string.
Or as Dirk puts it:
(sqlerrm (sql%bulk_exceptions (indx).error_code));
must be
(sqlerrm (0 - sql%bulk_exceptions (indx).error_code));
You don't really need the 0, though. You can write simply:
(sqlerrm (-sql%bulk_exceptions (indx).error_code));
You can see all these variations at work in my LiveSQL script.
Actually, I was surprised that I did not receive any "silly" answers. After all, there are lots of ways to get "ORA-00001: unique constraint" to appear on the screen, such as:
two_ts DBMS_SQL.number_table := DBMS_SQL.number_table (1=>1,2=>2);
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('ORA-00001: unique constraint');
FORALL indx IN 1 .. 2
INSERT INTO t VALUES (two_ts(indx));
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (SQL%ROWCOUNT || ' inserted');
WHEN others
Yes, that's right, simply display it on the screen and then shortcut everything else with RETURN; (or not, let the rest of the code execute unchanged).
I guess it was a serious week for the Oracle Database developer community. :-)
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