Huh, what?
Make sure my code fails to compile?
Why would I want to do that.
Well, suppose that you had a compute-intensive procedure that ran every hour and benefited greatly from full PL/SQL compiler optimization (level set to 3, to take advantage of subprogram inlining and everything else it does).
Next, suppose that somehow as the procedure (newly enhanced, fully tested) was being deployed to production, the optimization level was mistakenly set to 0 or 1. This would cause severe performance problems.
So in that case, wouldn't it be nice if you could build a "circuit breaker" into that procedure so that the compiler says "No go" even if the code itself compiles just fine?
I think it would be nice - and you can accomplish precisely that with the error directive of the conditional compilation feature of PL/SQL.
First, here's the code that demonstrates precisely the scenario outlined above.
At this point, the compiler rejects the procedure with this error:
You can try this yourself with my LiveSQL script.
You might also use $error to mark "not done" parts in your code. It's a lot more effective than a comment like this:
Conditional Compilation Series
1. An introduction to conditional compilation
2. Viewing conditionally compiled code: what will be run?
3. Writing code to support multiple versions of Oracle Database
4. Setting and using your own conditional compilation flags
5. How to make sure your code FAILS to compile
Make sure my code fails to compile?
Why would I want to do that.
Well, suppose that you had a compute-intensive procedure that ran every hour and benefited greatly from full PL/SQL compiler optimization (level set to 3, to take advantage of subprogram inlining and everything else it does).
Next, suppose that somehow as the procedure (newly enhanced, fully tested) was being deployed to production, the optimization level was mistakenly set to 0 or 1. This would cause severe performance problems.
So in that case, wouldn't it be nice if you could build a "circuit breaker" into that procedure so that the compiler says "No go" even if the code itself compiles just fine?
I think it would be nice - and you can accomplish precisely that with the error directive of the conditional compilation feature of PL/SQL.
First, here's the code that demonstrates precisely the scenario outlined above.
$IF $$plsql_optimize_level < 3
$ERROR 'compute_intensive must be compiled with maximum optimization!' $END
/* All the intensive code here! */
END compute_intensive;
I check the system-defined inquiry directive, $$plsql_optimize_level, to see what the current optimization level is. If less than 3, the PL/SQL compiler encounters the $error directive.At this point, the compiler rejects the procedure with this error:
PLS-00179: $ERROR: compute_intensive must be compiled with maximum optimization!
Notice that the string after the $error directive becomes the compilation error message the developer will see.You can try this yourself with my LiveSQL script.
You might also use $error to mark "not done" parts in your code. It's a lot more effective than a comment like this:
/*TODO Finish section */
and it guarantees that partially written code will never make it into production, no matter how distracted you are. Here's an example. On line 24, I've got to deal with my ELSE condition, but no time right now! So I quick1y drop in a $error snippet I've created, and add the appropriate message. Notice that I include two other system defined directives, $$plsql_unit and $$plsql_line.FUNCTION list_to_collection (
string_in IN VARCHAR2
, delimiter_in IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT ','
l_next_location PLS_INTEGER := 1;
l_start_location PLS_INTEGER := 1;
l_return DBMS_SQL.varchar2a;
IF string_in IS NOT NULL
WHILE ( l_next_location > 0 )
-- Find the next delimiter
l_next_location :=
NVL (INSTR ( string_in, delimiter_in, l_start_location ), 0);
IF l_next_location = 0
-- No more delimiters, go to end of string
l_return ( l_return.COUNT + 1 ) :=
SUBSTR ( string_in, l_start_location );
'list_to_collection INCOMPLETE!
Finish extraction of next item from list.
Go to ' || $$PLSQL_UNIT || ' at line ' || $$PLSQL_LINE
l_start_location := l_next_location + 1;
RETURN l_return;
END list_to_collection;
When I try to compile the code, I see this error:
PLS-00179: $ERROR: list_to_collection INCOMPLETE!
Finish extraction of next item from list.
Go to LIST_TO_COLLECTION at line 28
Those are two ideas I've come up with for $error. I bet you will come up with more of your own. When you do, please let us know by adding a comment to this post!Conditional Compilation Series
1. An introduction to conditional compilation
2. Viewing conditionally compiled code: what will be run?
3. Writing code to support multiple versions of Oracle Database
4. Setting and using your own conditional compilation flags
5. How to make sure your code FAILS to compile
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